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Loudspeakers 101
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Loudspeakers 101 - Design and build your own subwoofers, speakers, and crossovers.

 The Parts and Accessories menu will contain descriptions of the various components and accessories used in speaker design and construction. I am currently rebuilding it, but the pages here will hopefully soon be as useful as the Loudspeakers 101 section. Check out my pages on capacitors and inductors.

 The Loudspeakers 101 menu contains a tutorial on loudspeaker system design and construction. You will also find the JavaScript enclosure designers and crossover calculators here. I am working on a section covering home theater/listening rooms and sound control issues.

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 The Home Audio menu contains links related to home audio and home theater. If you are interested in great sound for a vehicle, click the Mobile Sound link.

 The Software menu contains programs you can download for designing speaker enclosures and crossovers.  You will also find links to a couple of audio software archives.