All of these files are zipped, if you need an un-zipping program, you can get Ultimate Zip free from here.Click on the link to download the program(s).
Boxplot 3.0 is an easy to use shareware program for beginners, written by Rick Carlson. It can be used to design subwoofer boxes and crossovers.
Win9.x - 250 KBBlaubox can also be used to design subwoofer boxes.
DOS - 215KB
Audiosoft, the developers of CALSOD now have a web site. You can download a demo, and if you have an older version you can download the updated user manual that you can read in Win9.x. This is the program I personally use, and it taught me a great deal about loudspeaker design.
DOS - 190 Kb, creators of the most sophisticated design programs available.
Download the demo version of(466 Kb)
LspCAD Lite
The best shareware loudspeaker design program I've ever seen. Can calculate many types of subwoofer enclosures and crossovers.For advanced builders only. The parameters are all in metric, so if you need to convert your driver specs, go here. I have purchased a copy of LspCAD Standard, and I am very impressed. This is an excellent design tool and well worth the price of $129 for a registered version.
Win9.x - 649 KB
- I purchased a copy of WinSpeakerz from True Audio. The only features I found in this program that were useful are the box diagrams to make it easy to build your box and the ability to model response of an enclosure inside a car. Other than these two things, this program was a major disappointment. Not recommended for $99.
Perfect Box 4.5 This one has been around for a while. I believe it was originally developed for Rockford Fosgate, but I'm not positive. Good subwoofer designs.
DOS - 216KB
I have finally found a horn design program. It is called the Horn Loudspeaker Response Analysis Program, by David McBean. Click here to get it.
Juha Hartikainen has developed a free subwoofer box design program called WinISD. The feature I like best is the built-in database that has specifications for many loudspeaker drivers. This is still a beta version, but it is a great start. Win 9.x. LinearTeam is working on a new version of WinISD. I have tried the alpha version and it looks very promising.
If you need any other programs you can probably find them at one of the archives below.
From the founder of Rockford Fosgate, Wayne Harris. Win Convert is a metric / standard conversion utility for Windows. It is loaded with nearly 900 conversion types and is highly customizable with a built in Conversion Manager.
Online Java/JavaScript Programs
Obsession Audio's Crossover & Enclosure Calculators & Formulas
Ishtek's Java Enclosure Designer - Does HORNS!!If you know of any another good places to get audio related software, or you know of another Java enabled site, tell me about it !!!